Sunday, January 24, 2010

Communication and Teamwork - what it means to me

Communication is an undeniable part of our lives. Be it a simple greeting or important presentations, we continuously communicate with those around us. Teamwork, like communication is another important aspect of our lives. We often find that the tasks we do require the aid or expertise of others, hence understanding the dynamics of teamwork can greatly aid our ability to complete any task. Therefore being fluent in communication and having a good grasp of teamwork will certainly enable us to be proficient in our work while maintaining good relations with those around us.

Communication can have a very real impact on our lives. It can affect our ability to understand a situation or to accomplish a task. We often convey our thoughts and intentions through both verbal and non-verbal means. Hence, it is important to be aware of the intentional and unintentional messages we send to avoid miscommunication and more importantly, to be effective communicators.

Being a part of a CCA group, I have found that communicating one’s thoughts or ideas is actually alot harder than it seems. Besides being an integral part of teamwork, being able to properly communicate one’s intention will allow us to make requests and suggest ideas without coming across as being overbearing or arrogant.

This is especially important in teamwork as maintaining a good relationship with one’s peers helps motivate the group to accomplish a goal. It also encourages feedback, which is an important component in any project as it allows for improvement on the current idea.

Lastly, good communication allows us to present criticism in a manner that is acceptable by the person being critiqued. We often find ourselves overly defensive when receiving criticism and overly aggressive when giving critique. There are many methods of giving criticism; most are covered by the various courses in communication available. However, the intent of these methods is the same: to allow one to receive valuable feedback through criticism and to deliver good criticism that is taken is taken seriously.

In conclusion, teamwork and communication is an integral part of our lives and to improve ourselves in either will aid us greatly in our future endeavours.

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  1. Yes, your entry is good. It is clear and very coherent. I am impressed by how you organized and supported your idea. You also connected to yourself when writing, this makes your entry very reliable.
    I am agree with you that "communicating one's thoughts or ideas is actually alot harder than it seems". I also have a lot of trouble communicating with people when I first came to Singapore, or first joined a CCA group.

    Anyway, without repeating idea in the introduction, I think you have written a very good entry about communication and teamwork.

  2. I like your post. You have clearly mentioned the importance of teamwork and communication. I appreciate that you have linked the topic to your CCA experiences. It engages the reader. You have well adhered to all the C's that we learnt about in the tutorial in your article.
    You have organised your ideas very well. I completely agree with Duy on this. It was a pleasure reading your post.

  3. You managed to accurately describe the importance of teamwork and communication. You also managed to mention the difficulties faced when communicating with others. The organization of your points was good and you managed to give examples to support your argument. You also managed to explain the uses and advantages of feedback accurately. Not only that, you also showed that communication is two way process. You also shared some of your personal experiences which is a good way of supporting your statement. In my opinion, it was a good first entry.

  4. I like your entry, especially your organisation. The importance of effective communication and teamwork in your entry is efficiently connected through your personal reflections. For example, the way you engage your experience in the CCA group to effective communication is really interesting because it makes reader feel connected.

    Your argument about how to criticize in a polite way is very coherent and complete. As you said, the main purpose of critique is not to blame, but to give constructive feedback courteously.

    Overall, I agree with you that being fluent communicator and having a grasp of teamwork will aid us not only in our work but also in routine life.
